
KESL pipeline division offers a host of specialty activities involved in oil and gas pipeline and process facilities both and onshore and offshore. 

By employing highly experience international personnel and front line technology, we are well equipped to meet all demands of pipeline, process and energy industry efficiently. 

KESL has the capabilities to install major cross country pipeline, lateral and system expansions in highly challenging terrains, marshland to rocky outpost in Nigeria around Africa. We also provide EPC services for all phase of pipeline and station construction helping clients make assessment and provide compliance advisory of projects. 

Our inspection services draws on extensive engaging of experienced professionals and technology coupled with in-field success. We have consistently identified anomalies, pipeline cracks, defection corrosion control, mapping and calibration, pipeline blockage and leaks where they exist. 

Drawing on vast knowledge of pipelines and employing efficient equipment, GIS and data management software, we optimize cost while helping our clients improve the safety of their pipelines. 

Our Core Scope include: 

  • Design & Engineering
  • Procurement
  • Fabrication & Installation
  • Commissioning
  • Inspection & Integrity